Saturday, July 25, 2009

All work and no play...

I'd like to claim I was too busy to write, hence the reason it's been so long since the last update. That'd totally be a lie, though. The truth is, when you're utterly and completely bored out of your skull, it's hard to be motivated to do anything. My inactivity and boredom may have actually had me seem more like a slow growing moss than a human lately.

Apparently I haven't been without options though. Long story short, cell reception is horrible in my hometown, so I just leave my phone off when I'm at home. It doesn't matter either way. I checked my voicemail yesterday and apparently I had invites to hang out with people over the past few weeks. Just another case of Stokes county being a detriment to my social life. Nothing that I'm not used to, though. It's funny because I probably hate school more than anyone I know, but I'm looking forward to it starting just because it's not boring.

Um, quick ADD note: Comics are cool. Green Lantern is awesome. Most people, sadly, don't give them a fair shake. Whatever. Transformers 2, Yes Man, and Observe & Report are not cool, however. Rescue Dawn and Amistad are. I should be watching Apocalypse Now! tomorrow or so, nothing else to do. Kinda excited about it. Also uncool: Anything Souljah Boy. I was hoping he'd be a one hit wonder, leaving a stupid dance as his legacy...but no, apparently people are dumb enough to keep enjoying his "music." Vomit. Just...vomit.

The above "vomit" was inspired by this moron at the Dash [another vomit moment. I miss the Warthogs] game who used "Get My Swag On" or whatever as his batting theme. He went 0-4. How's this for a theme? "Gonna make an out.....turn my swag off" Joke hitter. Game was full of jokes, though. First pitch got tattooed by a guy with only 2 other homers on the season. Officially 3 errors were recognized, but the scorer was gracious. I saw at least 5. The best moment was when the RP hung an easy pitch for their big slugger with two outs. Watching a ball soar over 400 feet into the night sky is pretty awesome. Dash are a joke team, with a joke name and no stadium. Winston-Salem really screwed up on this one. I thought about calling them the Hyphens, to be correct...but due to their purple socks, and their poor play, I dubbed them the PuSox.

I think this is the first entry I've done that's as random as my thoughts usually are. I'm all over the place. Oh well, I'm gonna wrap it up and watch a movie or something. No way am I watching Apocalypse Now! tonight, though...but yeah, this week's been weird. Had a friend make plans and break them a day later...went to the ballgame with my dad for the first time in years. It really is cool to have parents like I do, though. Just when I think they're old or out of touch, my dad belted out "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" like a barber shop singer, with elaborate hand gestures. While I used to grimace at this, I find it hilarious now. He doesn't sound bad to be honest [I mean, his dad WAS a singer in a babershop quarter, I think...] and it's just like something out of the days when Rogers Hornsby and Stan Musial were playing. The best part was how a little kid in front of us, maybe 7 or 8 years old, just kept staring. Haha. It was really a classic moment that I'm finally old enough to appreciate. However, he also thought a ball went through the wall after I watched it sail 2 feet much for not getting old!

So yeah, movie...gonna get on that. I'm house sitting for my aunt Ginger and uncle John while they're at my cousin Amy's wedding. [I couldn't make be fair, it wasn't a cheap trip...] So my brother and I are housesitting and watching four dogs. They've kinda split up and two are buddying around with him, the other two are following me everywhere. Jaime, if you read this, your two are easily the least trouble and totally follow me EVERYWHERE, haha. Abby's practically glued to my ankle. If I get up to use the bathroom or get some water, she comes looking for me. Oh, and another perk of house sitting? Big...BIG TV set. I've watched like 3 movies on it so far. Now I know what size I want for my dorm.

Okay, for real this time, I'm out. Amidst touchy friends and getting plans's been a decent week, less boring than usual. Maybe I'll actually update this more often...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday Reviews July 1, 2009 week and I'm posting late. Well, this weeks review is the reason WHY it's late, as well as the reason I haven't posted in a week. Video games can be so addicting.

Grand Theft Auto IV

To be completely honest, the only sandbox games I’d completed before this year involved Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk. Despite playing each GTA installment between 3 and San Andreas, the small time crook storyline never held my attention. Well, that’s before I met a man named Niko Bellic. What followed were several days dedicated to finishing the game, always eager to see what awaited me around each corner.

Story: You are Niko Bellic, an eastern European immigrant who comes to America to live with his cousin Roman, as well as tie up some loose ends from the “old country,” which never gets its true location revealed. Along the way, you’ll meet many colorful characters; from the shark-testosterone shooting Brucie to the quick talking rasta named Little Jacob. One thing leads to another before Niko finds himself thrust into the Pegorino mob business, at odd with the feuding McCreary brothers, and always hunting for a past that has turned him into the killer he is today. Yes, okay, it sounds like common Grand Theft Auto fair. This, I’m not denying. However, the voice acting, the character movements, and the writing is superb and therefore, comes off as less cheesy and animated as its previous installments. The story writing for this game is amazing, and was honestly what held my interest for so long.

Story Rating: 9/10

Gameplay: Standard sandbox fare, with nothing truly innovated. That said, the old controls have been polished and they shine well in this title. Most people had trouble with the mundane task of driving, as did I when I first began. However, I felt that as I played more, the driving was more realistic and natural to me. The cover system was hit or miss, sometimes sticking me against the wrong wall and forcing me to get shot, repeatedly, as I attempted to correct the error. A lot of missions were failed due to this, but it’s not a huge deal. The AI was sometimes dumb, with my partners being “lost” despite being 10 feet away and looking right at me. These minor flaws prevent the 10/10 score, but that’s not to say that most of the game worked easily and wonderfully.

Gameplay Rating: 8/10

Graphics: Wow. That’s what escaped from my mouth as I soared over Liberty City’s version of Time’s Square, towards the Brooklyn Bridge. I visited New York City when I was less than two years old and have never had the chance to go back. Naturally, I don’t remember any of the trip. However, if New York and Liberty City are as close as everyone says they are, I think a return visit may be in order. The graphics aren’t Gears of War-level detailed, knock-your-socks off. However, to be this close to a premiere game despite being a massive open world sandbox, it’s an amazing feat. The city itself lives around you, with people running for umbrellas, or even newspapers, to cover their heads when it rains. It feels like this city is really moving on its own, unlike previous sandboxes where civilians were stoic and acted as if nothing in the world could affect them except for you. The character models are good enough, displaying emotion and looking respectable. I can’t bring myself to dock this game any points here, though…because of how awe inspiring the view from above truly was.

Graphics Rating: 10/10

Sound: As I mentioned earlier, the voice acting is superb. From Niko right down to the annoying brat at Burger Shot greeting me with “Welcome to Burger Shot motha****er.” I simply can’t stress enough how great the voice work in this game is. I was even impressed when, on a random visit to the comedy club, Katt Williams made a cameo. Also noteworthy are the radio stations, which play excellent music once more. A nice thing that I noticed was that during newsbreaks, I’d often find that events I’d just completed were being broadcast on the news as anchors discussed the rising crime in Liberty City. Oops, sorry citizens, haha.

Sound Rating: 10/10

Replay ability: I hate rating this for this game because, as with most sandboxes, you can keep playing after the story ends, but it gets really boring, really fast. I mean, there are plenty of side missions and achievements to strive for. 100% completion would take a long, long time. However, when all side quests are done and you have no single player achievements to strive for, it falls flat. Online modes aren’t too bad, with deathmatch, racing, and Mafia Wars modes providing entertainment. However, my friends are too impatient to play a full Mafia Wars mode with me, despite it being my favorite MP mode. In it, you’re given a set time and during it, you and your friends compete to see who can accomplish the given task first. One of the tasks I ran across involved stealing a car. My friend got to it first, but another friend and I ganged up and killed him before he got the chance to collect. It’s a fun mode, if you can find the people to do it with.

Replay ability Rating: 7/10

Final Thoughts:

Amazing game. That’s all I can really say. The complaints against the driving were valid, but like I said, you get used to it and adjust accordingly. Also, I’ve heard complaints about your friends calling you to hang out. But really, that only adds to the realism. I’ve got annoying friends that I avoid in real life, but as I ignored Brucie’s calls in GTA IV. If you’re looking for a long, enjoyable experience of loyalty, destruction, robbery, and breathtaking scenery, then GTA IV is a game you should most definitely look into. Be cautious, if you completely hate sandboxes, this isn’t a revolutionary game that will change that. However, if you’re willing to keep an open and interested mind, GTA IV might just surprise you, as it did me. That said, I’m going to go look into the downloadable content, because I don’t want my GTA experience to be over just yet, seen?

Side note: RIP Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays. Sad week for celebrities. Michael's hit me hardest, because Thriller is an amazing song.